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Strategic Environmental Assessments

delivering sustainable development

Strategic Environmental Assessments

strategic environmental assessments (SEA)

SEA where required, seeks to ensure that environmental considerations are incorporated into all tiers of the decision making process.

Delivering Best Environmental Outcomes

Strategic Environmental Assessment helps to identify and address the environmental implications of the Plan, Programme or Strategy (PPS) and helps to deliver best environmental outcomes.

The outputs of an effective SEA can help to address environmental problems, or enhance positive or beneficial effects of plans. It can provide opportunities for the public to understand the environmental issues and engage positively with the assessment process.

We have a 25 year record of providing environmental planning advice for both public and private sector clients. In that time the practice has placed itself in the forefront of environmental expertise regarding SEA for sustainable development. Our specialist and experienced professionals provide full in-house environmental and multi-disciplinary services from inception to project execution.

Major Recent SEA Project Experience includes:-

For more information please contact: Kim McLaren

or go back to Environmental and Planning