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Residential Landscape Design

Residential Landscape Architecture

delivering sustainable and liveable places

Residential Landscape Architecture

Lochend Urban Eden

Landscape design consultancy with a focus on urban design, place regeneration and building sustainable places for people whilst applying new and innovative approaches to greenspace.

Award winning and innovative our services are embedded with the added values of: quality of design; commitment to engagement and consultation; innovative fresh thinking and delivering long-term, sustainable and workable solutions.

Sustainable Placemaking

We recognise that residential landscape design needs to address the importance of sustainable placemaking, flexibility, and maximising the benefits of greenspace assets to encourage active lifestyles engendering a better quality of life for residents and visitors.

Experience tells us that the key challenge and important skill required for this is to determine how best to secure these benefits in a way that works with the site, infrastructure, development phasing and management & maintenance.

We aim to deliver developments which assert and support the legibility of layout & appeal of location, to develop mixed density housing developments with a strong, adaptable, sustainable future.

Key skill sets include:

For more information please contact: Janet Pope

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Pinkie Mains residential landscape architecture

Pinkie Mains, Musselburgh

Craigmillar Primary residential landscape plan


Lochend Urban Eden landscape design

Lochend Urban Eden

Westburn Lane landscape plan

Westburn Lane, St Andrews

Lochend Urban Eden landscape plan

Lochend Residential Masterplan

Whitecross residential landscape sketch


Resindetial Gardens sketch plan


Residential landscape design plan

Housing Plan

Housing landscape 3d visualisation

WLC Housing Landscape Framework