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Play Park Design & Strategies

Renewing Scotland's Play Parks

Play Park Design & Strategies

Helix Destination Play Park, Falkirk

Our Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning teams have been involved with the planning, design and management of play space, parks and open space projects throughout Scotland. Our landscape team specialises in creating attractive green spaces for people to enjoy the outdoors, play, cycle, participate in sport and socialise. The planning team have responded to the requirement for local authorities to prepare Play Sufficiency Assessments, in line with NPF4 and the emerging PSA Regulations.

Play Sufficiency Assessments, Audits and Strategies for local authorities include:

Major Play Park Projects include:

Informal Play Spaces and Natural Play features are often included in residential open space designs, most notably:

Sensory Play, Learning Gardens and Open Spaces include:

For more information contact: Jane Dixon

Antonine Wall play parks

Antonine Wall

Play Parks

Loch Lomond and Trossachs Play Audit

Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park

Play Sufficiency Audit

Housing informal play park

Pinkie Mains Housing

Play spaces built within a residential development

section drawing of play area

Infinity Loop, Kilmarnock

Eight open spaces linked by an active travel loop

school play area

St Crispin's School

Sensory play and learning spaces