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Planning Monitoring

statutory planning assistance

Planning Monitoring

planning monitoring

As the resources of Planning Authorities are increasingly challenged the use of external, independent, consultancy based monitoring teams is providing an effective means of fulfilling statutory/planning requirements in an auditable and robust manner.

Conditioning the need for monitoring/compliance requires developers to meet the costs, and ensures that environmental management is embedded in project implementation from the outset.

Multi-Disciplinary Environmental Compliance and Monitoring

Ironside Farrar has developed specialist reporting in Environmental Monitoring, Auditing and Planning Monitoring Officer (PMO) Services to assist clients fast-track planning and project delivery.

Specialist experience includes PMO services in the following sectors:

Each project has a single nominated Planning Monitoring Officer, supported by a team of experienced professionals, including on-call specialists in ecology, air quality, noise etc, depending on the specific issues to be addressed. The approach is efficient; auditable and brings simplicity and improved communications to the planning process.

For more information please contact: Kim McLaren

planning monitoring

Planning Monitoring

3d quarry model

Minerals Planning

windfarm monitoring

Windfarm Monitoring