Funding bids by our multi-disciplinary
team support clients in Regeneration / Town Centre
and Parks & Greenspace projects. We have already secured
funding of more than £50million including:
BIG Lottery
Heritage Lottery Funding – Parks for People and Townscape Heritage
Initiative (THI)
New Opportunities Fund (NOF)
Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF)
Town Centre Regeneration Fund (STCRF)
Scottish Rural Development programme (SRDP)
Scottish Government and Other Funding Agencies
With our client partners we have been singularly successful in creating winning funding bids:
securing more than £30million for local authorities
receiving 28 Scottish / UK design / regeneration/ planning awards
helping to secure more than £28million of leverage funding
Our recent funding experience
The HELIX, Falkirk - Successful Big Lottery Fund Living
Landmarks Award
Bo'ness Public Realm & Heritage Scheme - Successful
Kirkcaldy Port Brae & Kirkcaldy Riggs - Successful THI/HLF
Burngreen Park Kilsyth.
HLF Stage 2. The first Parks for People funded park
in Scotland to be completed, in June 2010.
Cambuslang Park, HLF Stage
1 & 2
Dock Park, Dumfries, HLF
Stage 2
MacRosty Park and Visitor
Facilities, Perth, HLF Stage 1& 2
STCRF bids for five West
Lothian towns (£1.75million)
STCRF Bathgate BID (£0.6million)
SRCRF bid for Greenock (£1.3million)
If we can assist
please contact our Funding Bid Team.
here to email us.
The Helix, Big Lottery Funded
Burngreen Park, Parks for People Funded
Paisley Town Centre THI Funded