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Community Engagement

participation and inclusion

Community Engagement

online engagement platform

We believe that public and online consultation offers a unique mechanism to engage communities on sustainable place-making and urban design in a manner that is open, participatory, engaging, and transparent.

Online Community Engagement Platform

Ironside Farrar has developed our own Inclusive Virtual Engagement platform as an in-house flexible consultation and community engagement tool. The platform allows online engagement with communities, stakeholders, officers and focus groups along with supporting survey and feedback options.

This participation tool is compatible with all web browsers and is easily accessible on smartphone, tablet, computer, or other digital device. The online portal, developed from 3d drawing and web coding applications, simulates the familiar ‘consultation event’ format in an intuitive environment that allows for a range of engagement and consultation events to be progressed digitally and through social media.

View an example of our online community engagement platform pages.

For more information please contact: Julian Farrar

engagement event in large hall

North Dunfermline

online community engagement platform

Online Community Engagement Platform

masterplan drawing and pens

Design Charrette. Kirkcaldy

recording community views


community consultation event

Tiree Onshore Impact Study

leading a design charrette

Design Charrette, Nairn

Helix consultation event

The Helix is Happening Event

engagement props

Gowkthrapple Community Garden

event boards in hall
